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Jan. 19, 2025: 2025 Words

Writer's picture: JudyJudy

We have all seen them. The ads on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites that appear this time of year selling bracelets that can be customized with your “word for the year”.  Words like fierce or creative.  A word that will help you stay focused on your goals and aspirations during the year. A word to inspire us.


         As a writer, words are the basis for my work. The foundation. The building blocks.  I understand the power of words in a way that permeates everything I do. I see how the words we choose, even when talking to ourselves, can directly impact our emotions and outlook. I can be annoyed that I was put on hold during an important call.  Or I can be livid that I was put on hold during an important call.  The words I choose to identify my state can therefore influence my state.


         So, seeing these ads for word-bracelets got me thinking about what words I would like to use this year to help to focus my thoughts and actions each day. I could not settle on just one, but I now have three that I think work together and will help me each day.


-       Contribution

o   How can I make a positive contribution to the world today?  For my students?  My colleagues?  My family and friends? Strangers I may meet?


-       Connections

o   How can I nurture my relationships today?  Relationships with students, colleagues, family, friends, and acquaintances.



-       Contentment

o   What am I grateful for today? What are the things in my life that bring me joy, fulfillment, wonder? What simple pleasures can I embrace today that will help to bring me peace?


By using these three words to center myself and my focus each day, I plan to make 2025 a fabulous year!

What are your words going to be?

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