Judy Lindquist
About Me
Judy was born and raised in New England and always loved to read and write! Her favorite places were always libraries and bookstores. Her love of history was inspired by a teacher who introduced her to historical fiction novels.
Judy is a writer who teaches and a teacher who writes!
She has been an elementary classroom teacher for 30 years now and an adjunct professor at the University of Central Florida where she has been teaching Children's Literature, Writing, and Social Studies classes to pre-service teachers for 20 years.
Judy has had four middle grades novels traditionally published so far and says that writing for children is her passion.
She is a frequent presenter at teaching and writing conferences.
Judy is married to her high school sweetheart and lives in the Orlando area. In addition to reading and writing, she enjoys cooking, gardening, traveling with her husband, spending time with her granddaughters, and cheering on the UCF Knights!
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